
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas 2010

Merry Christmas to everyone! This year is really special. 
Our last just the two of us. 
This year, we had a small Christmas at our house. Since I couldn't travel more than 3 hours away, Jacob's family came to us -- plus, they wanted to see everything we had done to the house and the baby's room.  Christmas was on Saturday, so we had everyone over for dinner.Before they arrived, we had our Christmas together.  I did not get very many pictures bc everyone else was taking pictures, I did not want to add another camera to the mix. Here is what I have.


Monday, November 15, 2010

November 15th 2010

Starting to look really big.

33 weeks (side view)

33 weeks (front view)

Monday, November 8, 2010

We did it...

We signed our life away for the next 15 years.  Not really, but we did sign all the papers on Friday so that means, the house is finally ours.  After months of waiting on surveys, county lines, appraisals and many other factors, we finally got to sign the papers.  One nice thing about signing the papers on Friday was that it was also our 5th year anniversary. Happy Anniversary Jacob! We celebrated by going to dinner.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Signing the papers today

Supposed to leave work early today to sign papers on our new house.  I will let you know if it really happens.  Yeah!

Monday, October 18, 2010

October 18th, 2010

29 weeks 1day

One day before my birthday, 11 more weeks to go! 

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

October 6th, 2010

Here is what I look like after a long weekend away from home and new work week. 
27 weeks 3 days 

Saturday, October 2, 2010

October 2nd, 2010

Did I mention my sister is getting married to a great guy this December? Well, if not, she is. This past weekend we went to San Antonio for a Pampered Chef bridal shower hosted by Aunt Phyllis, Aunt Terri, & Aunt Nancy. It was a very successful shower as she got LOTS of stuff! I am so happy for her.

Sorry I dont have any pics, but someone else was taking the pictures that day.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

September 29th, 2010

Dittos for Kiddos.

I have heard many people talk about Dittos for Kiddos, but I had never been. I really never had a reason to go, until now.  Diddos for Kiddos is a huge consignment resale event that happens twice a year here in Abilene. They only accept really good items from individuals in the Big Country area. One of my friends consigned a bunch of stuff, but was not able to use her consigner passes so she gave them to me. What a blessing!

Even though I know we are having a boy, I did not want to purchase a lot a clothes since I know we will get some at the baby shower and we dont have any idea how big this baby will be. So I went looking for things like a swing, bedding, bumbo, toys, etc.

Here is what I found at great prices:
Graco swing - $35

Tiny Love Floor Activity Mat - $15

Rocking chair - $10
I had a good time looking for these items. We will have to do it again in the spring once he is here.

Monday, September 27, 2010

September 27th, 2010

26 weeks 1 day

Its been a few weeks since it took a belly pic, and I really dont like this pic of me, but here it is.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

September 2nd, 2010

Our first childbirth class.  Not too bad. Didn't learn anything I really didn't already know, but I did listen more intently since now this would be affecting me and not somebody else.  Jacob also went with me. It was nice to not have to sit in that room all by myself -- with all the other couples surrounding us.  There was only one other woman there who was by herself all four weeks.

One down, Three to go.

Monday, August 30, 2010

August 30th, 2010

Finally starting to look pregnant, not just like I ate too many hamburgers. 

22 weeks 1 day

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

August 25th, 2010

21 weeks 3 days

Also, look at what one of our dear friends did for us.  She just had her last baby in January and just couldnt resist buying us some of the cutest outfits.  What do you think?

Newborn Monkey sleeper 
6 months onesie with shorts
6 months romper

Thursday, August 19, 2010

August 19th, 2010

IT'S A...


Today we had our 20 week sonogram.  This was Jacob's first time to go to the dr. with me. We patiently sat in the waiting room for our name to be called. Previously, we had talked about finding out the sex of the baby and we both agreed that yes, we want to know. Some one even asked Jacob what he wanted the baby to be and his response was, "...worse case scenario, it's a girl, and I can live with that."  I thought really.  What in the world are we gonna do if this baby is a girl?  
Our name was finally called.  As we now sat in the examination room with monitors all around us, the thought crept into my mind.  Do we really want to know. Quickly, I reminded myself -- YES! I need to know what bedding to buy. I didn't want to have an all yellow and green room. 
Once the technician came in, she turned out the lights and turned on the monitors.  She asked us if we wanted to know the sex and we both looked at each other and simultaneously said, "Yes."  She said ok and proceeded to put goopy cold stuff on my belly.  She picked up the wand and pressed it to my belly.  
If we didn't want to know the sex of the baby, we would have been disappointed because as soon as she pressed the wand to the right side of my belly, there were all his man parts.  Before she said anything, Jacob said, "That looks like a boy."  She said, "Yep, that's a boy." and continued to move the wand around his boy parts checking them out and then moved on to his legs and arms and head and then his heart.  
It was so amazing to not only see his tiny heart beating, but to hear it too. WOW! that is something really amazing. She took a few pictures along the way and then the dr. came in to tell us that according to the sonogram we have a happy healthy baby boy at 20 weeks 4 days. What a relief! 
Healthy, and everything was measuring the right length, width. He has arms and legs and a brain -- and they are all the right size.  Such a relief to know that.  Now if I can only start feeling better. 

Jacob was so relieved that this baby is a boy, he asked in the parking lot, "What if we have more and we have more boys, we could make a football team?"  to which I said, " if we are going to have that many, we have to have at least one girl for me."  We had  a good laugh and went to each lunch. It was a good day. 

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

June 1st, 2010

I had a doctor's appt this morning and one of the requirements for the appt was to go with a full bladder, but only water.  Those who know me, know that I need my coffee in morning and that I have a long commute. So a morning commute without coffee is R-O-U-G-H! I finally made it and I thought my bladder was going to burst. I walked into the waiting room and you should have seen the amount of people in there. I thought to my self - how in the world was I going to make it to my appt with out going to the bathroom?
When they finally called my number to the initial check in, they sent me to another waiting room.  They "candy striper" that was working that day was a very nice older gentleman who would lead me to the waiting room.  I know they are not supposed to ask questions since we are all their for medical procedures, but the walk was long without conversation so I asked him how his day was and he responded and then ask me how mine was.  I told him it was good but I wasnt sure how long my bladder would make it with all this water. He smiled and we he showed me where to wait for the nurse.
After just a few minutes of nervously waiting and hoping not to have an accident a super bubbly nurse walked around the corner and called my name.  Who Hoo! I didnt have to wait too long. As we were walking back to the procedure room she told me that the gentleman who walked me to the waiting room told her that my bladder was really full and that she should get me in as quick as she could. I thought to myself, How Nice. I did not ask him or expect him to say anything to anyone, but he cared enough to tell the nurse.  I felt really special that day.
Now on to the appt.  I got to see my baby.  My Baby. It really seemed unreal until that point and then seeing the heartbeat on the screen was just...well really made it REAL. I cried. The nurse asked it if this was our first. I said yes. She asked me what would the father say. I told her that all he wanted to hear was that it was healthy and that there was only one baby.  She looked shocked and said, what if theres more than one.  I said well, we will cross that bridge when we get there. As she put the baby on the screen, there was only one. Only one little blob of a person. So sweet and moving all around. Moving so much that I asked her if she was doing that and she said no.  Just a Happy Baby and that everything looked great and measured great.  She took these for me. I left a very happy mom.

Friday, May 14, 2010

May 14th, 2010

My sister's graduation!  The day has finally come. After five long years of hard work my sister is graduating from Texas A&M University!
CONGRATULATIONS ALISHA! We are so proud of you!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

May 8th, 2010

The day we were waiting for.  In October of 2009, I turned 30...whew!  Then in November, Jacob turned 30.  After his birthday, we talked about trying for a baby...yes, a baby.  So, in December we officially started "trying". Nothing happened, January came, nothing happened, February came, nothing happened, March came, nothing happened, but that was ok because my sister was getting married in December 2010 and that would have put our due date on her wedding day...April came, nothing happened.  Then May came...something happened.  During the month of April, I knew something had happened. I felt, well, just different.  So when it came time for May I wasnt surprised by the outcome of the test, but I think Jacob was.  All week he had asked me if I had peed on a stick yet.  I kept telling him no because I "knew" what it was going to tell me. So, finally, Saturday came and I peed on a stick. He had gone to town for something that morning and I was getting ready to go to work.  When he came home, I told him to go look in the bathroom.  He did.  He came back in the bedroom where I was getting ready and was very excited. He gave me a huge hug. I told him that he could not tell anyone until we were between 12-15 wks along, bc that is what the books say to do. He said ok.  I was off to work and he was out the door again to some "farm work".

I did good. I didnt tell anyone. Im pretty good at keeping secrets.  I did find out that my husband, on the other hand, is not good at keeping secrets.  He told one of his friends right away. Thankfully his friend is good at keeping secrets.  That's how we found out we were pregnant.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

April 24, 2010 my sister has a blog now and she has challenged me to blog more so I am going to try.  I have been wanting to blog more since I started this whole process, but havnt made it a habit yet. So here goes nothing...

April 24, 2010 - was a great, BUSY day at our house.  I had really been wanting a raised bed garden at my house for home grown vegetables. I finally convinced my husband to build me one after I told him I was just going to buy some forms from Home Depot and do it myself. So he went to the hardware store and bought the lumber and other items needed to build a raised bed that would go the length of our west fence line.  Saturday morning he went to work on building the bed for me.

While he was outside building the bed, I was inside painting a wall and some touch ups that needed to be done from our painting project earlier in the month.

Then, after he finished putting together the bed and I finished the painting, we took out the carpet from our living room and bedroom together.  Remember, we live in the country and when we took up the carpet - there was enough dirt to fill a small playground it seemed. However, the real wood floors beneath were revealed and they are very nice.  We did have to scrape up some padding that was glued to the floors and clean them really good, but I am happy with them for now.
Before with the carpet
With out carpet

With out carpet! 
After we loaded the carpet to be disposed of, we went to town and bought a truck load full of dirt for the garden bed. We then proceeded to fill the garden with the dirt. Needless to say that was a lot of work in itself -- not to include all the other work we completed that day.  Since the dirt was in I had to plant the new plants too. JalapeƱo peppers, tomatoes, eggplant and squash were planted the next day.

By the end of the day I was exhausted! I would say we had a busy, successful weekend! What do you think?

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


The obsession began many years ago when my grandmother had Angie -- a black and tan doberman.  One time Angie had so many puppies that we got to help her out by bottle feeding them so they could all get enough milk.  I was in love. Bottle feeding something that really drank milk.  It was great. And I loved Angie - I always thought she was so pretty.  Then, in college I returned to my apartment one day and this gorgeous, very large, red female doberman came running around the corner to meet me at the stairs.  For a split second I was scared --you know because its a loose doberman -- but I was also in awe.  I thought Angie was pretty but now I had seen a red one in person!  I was enamoured.  When I finally got my whits to together (only a few seconds) I reached my arm out with fingers folded of course to pet her.  She took steps my way and smelled of my hand -- then her owner called her. She turned quickly and ran back to where she was supposed to be.  From that moment on I knew that one day I would own a beautiful red doberman.

That day has come true. On Sunday, November 15 2009 we picked out our first red doberman puppy.  I am so excited to get her -- I have wanted one for so long.

It took us a few days to finally name her, but we did. Her name is Rosie. She is quite a character and we love her already.