
Sunday, October 2, 2011

These two...

Yesterday as I was leaving the parking lot at work, I called my husband. We usually call each other around quitting time just to check on the status of where we are and whoever gets home first starts dinner.  Well, this call was different. When he picked up the phone, I asked him what he was doing...he said he was driving around looking for the dogs.
I said, "What?"
he said he got home from work and found the back door to the yard wide open and that Rosie & Ace were no where to be found, so he was driving around looking for them.
He talked to the farmer plowing the field next to our house and they told him that he saw the dogs around lunch time heading south on the county road so he headed that direction.
In case you didn't know, we live in the middle of a cotton field. Our closest neighbor is half a mile away and the next closest, well...are not close at all.
He told me he called all the neighbors to be on the look out. and then he hung up the phone.

I had to Walmart for bottle liners and bananas bc he needed to take something for their morning meeting.
I just started to pray.
at this point, there is nothing I can do but pray.
I went to Walmart, got what I needed and headed home. (I live an hour from work and commute in)
And...the weather was turning grey like it was going to rain and lots of lightening.
I thought, great, looking for dogs in the rain and mud...just what I need on a night when I have to bake something too.

I was about 20 minutes from the house when he called again. The farmer next to our house called him and said that he saw the dogs heading for the house. He asked the farmer to stop his truck and let the dogs catch up with him and he would be right there.
When he arrived, the dogs were there and MUDDY!
He told Rosie, "load up" and they both jumped in the back seat.
He called me to tell me he had two very muddy dogs in his back seat and that they smelled awful. We're not sure where they had been all day, but my guess is, they had fun running across the country.

I was so thankful that they came back home. They must have realized that it was going to rain and headed back home.

When I got home, I made banana bread, he cooked dinner, we ate, I gave the baby a bath and then proceeded to give the dogs a bath.

These two...